Federation - Infotext

Federation (version4) is a variant designed by Theo Kermanidis
For Feedback please write to: theok@austarmetro.com.au
This variant was adjusted for Realpolitik by:
René M. Linka and Frank Bacher for www.graue-substanz.net
Please direct your feedback concerning RP files directly to
rene.linka@graue-substanz.net and bacher@graue-substanz.net.
To learn more about development and history regarding this variant please
visit Theo`s excellent Federation Homepage at:

Australia became a federation on the 1st of January 1901. So our history
books tell us. The colonies came together, united into one nation. Not by an
act of war, nor through violent action was a nation forged. How boring! No
wonder I fell asleep in those Australian history classes.
This is your chance to rewrite a nations history. Federation had failed.
Instead of peaceful unity, war between the colonies is declared. All
agreements between the colonies have been dissolved.
It is Spring 1901. The divisions between the colonies is fuelled by a hunger
to gain control over the continent. You are the colonys' governor and have
already instructed the militia forces to be mustered and ready for action.
Who will succeed to unify Australia? Who will forever be doomed to oblivion?
What will you do to unite the colonies?

Each colony had managed to muster the following forces in Spring 1901:
New South Wales: Sydney (Fleet) Bourke (Army) Goulburne (Army)
Queensland: Brisbane (Fleet) Cairns (Army)
South Australia: Adelaide (Fleet) Port Augusta (Army)
Tasmania: Hobart (Fleet) Launceston (Army)
Victoria: Melbourne (Army) Geelong (Fleet) Ballarat (Army)
Western Australia: Perth (Fleet) Albany (Army)
Northern Territory: Darwin (Fleet) Katherine (Army)
New Zealand: Wellington (Army) Auckland (Fleet)

Each colony begins the campaign with the units deployed as shown in the above
table. As the campaign progresses and supply centres are acquired, further
units may be built in each colonies home supply centres, provided the colony
has control of them.

Home supply centres:
New South Wales: Sydney, Bourke, Dubbo, Broken Hill, Goulburn, Newcastle
Queensland: Brisbane, Cairns, Townsville, Cloncurry, Mount Isa, Longreach
South Australia: Adelaide, Port Augusta, Riverland, Cooper Pedy, Mount
Gambier, Eyre Peninsula
Tasmania: Hobart, Launceston, Franklin
Victoria: Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, Mildura, Gippsland
Western Australia: Perth, Albany, Broome, Karlgoolie, Pilbara, Kimberly
Northern Territory: Darwin, Katherine, Alice Springs
New Zealand: Wellington, Auckland, ChristchurchVictory Condition

The victory condition is to capture 27 supply centres.

Albury, Abr
Adelaide, Ade
Amery Ice Shelf, AIS
Albany, Alb
Alice Springs, Ali
Arafura Sea, Ara
Arnhem Land, Arn
Antarctic Southern Ocean, ASO
Auckland, Auc
Ballarat, Bal
Banda Sea, Ban
Barkley Tableland, Bar
Bendigo, Ben
Broken Hill, BHi
Blue Mountains,BMo
Bay Of Plenty,BoP
Bourke, Bou
Brisbane, Bri
Broome, Bro
Banks Strait, BSt
Bourketown, Btn
Cairns, Cai
Coopers Creek, CCr
Charleville, Cha
Chatham Islands, ChI
Christmas Island, Chm
Christchurch, Chr
Clarke River, Cla
Cloncurry, Cln
Mount Cook, Coo
Coral Sea Islands, Cor
Cooper Pedy, CPe
Dandenong, Dan
Darwin, Dar
Davenport, Dav
Dutch East Indies, DEI
Dubbo, Dub
Dunedin, Dun
East Bass Strait, EBS
East Cook Strait, ECS
Equatorial Indian Ocean, EIO
Encounter Bay, EnB
Eyre Peninsula, EPe
Equatorial Pacific Ocean, EPO
Eastern Southern Ocean, ESO
Esperance, Esp
Eyre, Eyr
Flinders, Fli
Franklin, Fra
Furneaux Islands, Fur
Great Australian Bight, GAB
Geelong, Gee
Geraldton, Ger
Gibson Desert, Gib
Gippsland, Gip
Gisborne, Gis
Gulf of Carpentaria, GOC
Gold Coast, Gol
Goulburn, Gou
Grampians, Gra
Great Sandy Desert, GSD
Great Victorian Desert, GVD
George V Land, GVL
Heard McDonald Island, HMI
Hobart, Hob
JB Gulf, JBG
Kalgoorlie, Kal
Kangaroo Island, Kan
Katherine, Kat
Kimberley, Kim
King Island, KIs
Launceston, Lau
Longreach, Lon
Mount Magnet, Mag
Macquarie Harbour, MaH
Mid Barrier Reef, MBR
Mid Coral Sea, MCS
Melbourne, Mel
Mount Gambier, MGa
Mildura, Mil
Mid Indian Ocean, MIO
Mount Isa, MIs
Moree, Mor
Mid Pacific Ocean, MPO
Musgrave Ranges, MRa
Mid Southern Ocean, MSO
North Barrier Reef, NBR
New Caledonia Islands, NCa
North Coral Sea, NCS
Nelson, Nel
Newcastle, New
New Guinea, NGu
Norfolk Island, Nor
Northern Tasman Sea, NTS
Nullabor, Nul
North West Shelf, NWS
Olgas, Olg
Port Augusta, PAu
Perth, Per
Pilbara, Pil
Port Phillip Bay, PPB
Portuguese Timor, PTi
Riverland, Riv
Rockhampton, Roc
Ross Sea, Ros
South Barrier Reef, SBR
South Coral Sea, SCS
Simpson Desert, SDe
Southern Indian Ocean, SIO
Snowy Mountains, Sno
Solomon Islands, Sol
Spencer Gulf, Spe
South Pacific Ocean, SPO
Southern Tasman Sea, STS
Sydney, Syd
Tanami Desert, Tan
Tennant Creek, Ten
The Heads, THd
Timor, Tim
Timor Sea, TiS
Townsville, Tow
Victoria Land, Vic
Wagga Wagga, Wag
West Bass Strait, WBS
West Cook Strait, WCS
Wellington, Wel
Wilkes Land, Wil
Wollongong, Wol
Woomera, Woo
Western Southern Ocean, WSO
Cape York, Yor

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